June 5th, 2011 -- by Dr. Faustus
Some Good News About Forcible Rape
Mark Kleiman, one of our more distinguished academic analysts of crime has a short post on the incidence of forcible rape as reported in large-scale victimization surveys over the last generation. The news is good: rape is down in that period — way down. From 2.8 per 1000 population in 1979 to 0.5 in 2009. Kleiman comments that he doesn’t know what has caused this dramatic and welcome change, but then adds:
But the theory that pornography causes sex crime would seem to have a hard time surviving comparison with the data.
Well put, professor. Also, love your beard.
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First I must say that Dr. Faustus scares me a bit, not in a bad way but he does. I think that the relationship between the fall off of rape and the ready availability of porn on the net should be a matter of serious research. My thinking is that this is the result of the forbidden fruit being demystified. Sex in all it’s incarnations is being dragged into the open where it belongs.
It would be wonderful if something as simple as having porn more easily available, could reduce the number of rapes.
I really have a difficult time understanding people’s objection to (most types of) porn. Porn is just sex. What’s wrong with sex?
I agree with Tabs. Research should be done!
There has also been some evidence of local drops in sexual crimes when an adult store opens up in an area
[…] Y was musing on that last post from Dr. Faustus, and said this: It’s now extremely clear that sexually permissive societies are better for […]
Maybe it’s all just correlation rather than causation. The kind of society that allows porn to proliferate is the kind of society that also gets the message of consent out there. Porn may have nothing to do with it.