Hate, Death, Cluelessness, Illiteracy: A Pome
ErosBlog does get hate mail — but you’d be amazed how much of it is misdirected.
A comment appeared on an old post. The commenter chose the name “death” and addressed it to the pornographers who made the image I posted about. It’s long been my experience that people often seem confused about where they are on the internet — I’m always deleting comments that are addressed to the models who appear in the photos on this site. Comments addressed to pornsite operators, though, those are new.
Anyway, this comment is hateful and violent. Why share it? Because those of us in the sex-positive bubble are too liable to forget that the violent crazies are really out there. They are.
Exactly as it appeared, even unto the unique line breaks, addressee redacted by me and replaced with [pornsite]:
to [pornsite] owners,
your dirty business,is f.king
seek ,you all are f king crim
inal maniaks and deserve an unbeliveb
horibble punishment ,i wish
you all be in the coffins with
cutted heads
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=7193
This reads like some sort of avant-garde poetry.
re: “…cutted heads”
…beheading huh? Something about that particular solution puts me in the mind of Dr. Faustus’s posting on August 15…
I found it very disconcerting. My gut reaction is that person that wrote this would be quite capable of carrying out the, “in the coffins with cutted heads” threat. Chilling.
In a world where violent threats are increasingly treated as a criminal matter, I think it behooves us to distinguish with precision between vaguely menacing comments like this one, and literal threats. A literal threat expresses the threatener’s intent or plan to do harm — that’s absent here.
I’m wondering if the tortured spacing is due to copying and pasting between multiple sites, or perhaps platforms? Maybe they’re pushing that out to multiple sites in some kind of campaign to shame/stress people into quitting. Any news on other people getting similar messages?
Note to Justin:
I think the “tortured spacing” is original. After some complex Googling, I have concluded that this guy can’t spell (“horibble”, “cutted”, “maniaks”, etc.). There is a high probability that I have found this poster elsewhere.
He posts under many names, but his comments have a common thread. For instance, try Googling “HORIBBLE! KILLEN EVERYBODY BEHIND!” (all in quotation marks) and add the words “ottoman” and “gonne” without quotation marks.
Then hit the “repeat the search with the omitted results included.” option, and then click on the “Cached” option.
Then Google the names of the posters who show two or more of the highlighted search terms in their comments.
Talk about “hateful, violent and crazy”, you’ll come up with some of wackest word salads you’re likely to ever find on the web.
Also try Googling the terms: kill fucking “crazy maniaks” -maniacs (in the same search window), be sure to use the minus sign before the correct spelling of the word “maniacs” and use the quotation marks around the joined term “crazy maniaks”.
When the search results pop up, hit the “Cache” option again.
You should get some duplication in the names of the posters, and a LOT of “tortured spacing” with a minimal amount of exploration.
You’ll likely notice that he is also a bit racist and likes to used the words “sluts” and “gays” a lot as well…
It sounds like a barely literate, barely post-pubescent kid was aroused by something on your site and is mad about it, blaming you. I’ve always kinda wondered about the semi-obsessive quality of censorious types, I figure they are fascinated by porn but their twisted morals mean they can only participate in it by viewing it and then calling for its censorship. If you ask me, it’s a sickness.
There’s also a variety of feminist I call “prudo-feminists who hate maledom/femsub sexual imagery of all kinds which I use to find interesting imagery in the mainstream … just wrote up a piece about a banned ad in Australia showing a gagged woman on my blog. A disquieting amount of that crap is out there.