Civilization, Assholes, And Internet Communities
First, go read Reddit Makes Me Hate Atheists (for a classic example of the braying mob trying to troll a fifteen-year-old girl off the internet by making rape jokes about her). It’s old hat to anybody who frequents internet discussion communities that lack consistent moderation, but it may be eye-opening to many of you because:
Many civilized people abandon communities like this LONG before the discussion falls to such a low level.
My mother was right about some things and wrong about many other things, but she was right about this: Who we are is, at least partially, defined and created by the company we keep. If you participate in a community that allows its tone to be set by a seeming majority of internet fuckwads, you may be a bit of an internet fuckwad yourself. If you didn’t start that way, the culture of fuckwaddery (like any other) is somewhat contagious; and even if your personal immune system is stronger than most, there’s still guilt-by-association to contend with.
There are ways to keep internet discussion communities non-toxic, but they all require substantial human effort. Sometimes it’s a moderation team with endless time, patience, and discretion; sometimes it’s a community moderation scheme backed up by a community with enough shared values in common to give the up-voting and down-voting some coherence. Sometimes (and this was more common in those legendary days of yore before all the assholes got on the internet, just ask any grey-bearded nethead and he’ll tell you, at length) a non-toxic internet discussion just happens, for a few hours or a few days or a few months. But that never lasts. Whatever the means by which non-shitty conversation happens on the internet, there usually comes a time when it stops happening, when the internet fuckwads begin to dominate the discourse, and all the interesting people get driven away.
The only exceptions I’ve seen have involved that “substantial human effort” I mentioned. Autocratic moderation or informal majoritarian censure, it takes work to keep a conversation civil after the fuckwads have begun to accumulate. And once that work begins to fail, as inevitably as Rome did, you’ll soon find that many of the conversational participants who made the conversation worth having are silenced or driven away by the booming echoing fuckwaddery.
I’m never seen a community recover from that.
So, once the conversation descends below a certain level, it may fairly be asked of the remaining participants: if you don’t consider yourself an internet fuckwad, why are you still there?
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Interestingly, I could not use the canonical Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory link (the March 19, 2004 Penny Arcade “Green Blackboards” strip that used to be found at because that link now hard-redirects to — which contains an unrelated strip I find incomprehensible and uninteresting (presumably I lack the background for whatever jokes are in play). If anybody knows why the PA boys chose to take such a canonical meme off their substantial little corner of the internet, I’d love to hear about it — there’s got to be a story.
Bacchus, I think the missing Penny Arcade strip is simply a technical error because of some downtime they have had in the past day or two. When I copy and paste the link you have in the comment it brings me to the correct comic, or when I try http://www.penn...3/19/ which is almost the same link, but with the date slightly formatted.
The redirect you mention is their latest comic (as of today’s date) that has a lot to do with the Ocean Marketing events of the past day or two. The most relevant bit being http://www.penn....html and with the update that’s referenced in the comic http://www.penn....html
http://penny-ar...03/19 works fine from here – no redirection.
Hey folks, yeah, that link works now, it must have been their temporary problems earlier that had me so confused. I’ve updated the link in my main post to point right at the strip.
And wow, that Ocean Marketing shit is funny! I thought I’d seen some abusive marketers here at ErosBlog, but that guy needs to learn not to get in a slanging contest with somebody who buys pixels by the container-load.
Bacchus, I was so struck by this post that I posted and link it on my public G+ page. At least in my experience, G+ has so far remained a large public forum where conversation and even debate has remained civil and positive.
Thanks for this!
Bill, thanks!
Unfortunately, G+ has flubbed so badly with the whole Nymwars mess that it’s not accessible to people like me. Not only am I unwelcome there under the Bacchus identity by which I am known, but there’s a draconian ban on sexual topics.
Don’t feel bad Bacchus, you’re in great company. Michelangelo is censored there too!
Funny that G+ has a Draconian ban on sexual topics but Blogger, also owned by Google, lets you pretty much do what you want to do, so long as you identify it as adult. Makes me glad I host all my images on my own site and keep the text copied to my own computer. Large corporations simply cannot be trusted.