May 5th, 2013 -- by Bacchus
Get Hydrated, Ladies!
I have pinpointed one aspect of the awful glory of the internet, and it is this. Somewhere right now a young and optimistic man is reading today’s Oglaf comic. Upon seeing this first panel, he’s thinking “Hmmm. That could work!”
And so, before the next sunrise, somewhere in this grand old world of ours that young man will haven taken up a pitcher and a tray of glasses and he will have approached a group of ladies to try out this opening.
I hope somebody who is there sends us a postcard and lets us know how it worked out for him.
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By their expressions, I’d say that these young ladies look rather disinterested in this young fellow’s suggestion, but, give ’em another 20-30 years, and they may well all be eager to “Messalina” around.
Life can be cruel to us all…
Should be noted that the male character in this panel is a quite notorious recurring one, and that *not being interested* is in their best interested? Because he can only be there for cracking a bad joke. >_>
Aaaaand I’m going to reblog this everywhere just to up the chances of actually getting a postcard.