June 30th, 2013 -- by Bacchus
Naked Anti-Materialists In Winter
Via this post at Spanking Blog comes word of a bizarre wintertime naked confrontation between Freedomite Doukhobor immigrants to Canada and their less-radical brethren, who chastised them with switches for their nude folly:
However, they didn’t stop marching until confronted and forcibly clothed by Mounties and non-Doukhobor townspeople.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=10169
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=10169
Okay, now that does sound like an interesting story.
In the 1960s the Doukhobors were having their kids taken by provincial governments and forced into public education. It was an intense, high-stakes battle, and at its height, famed Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson (Nobel Peace Prize, Canadian universal health care, etc.) visited the prairies. The Doukhobors had used public-protest nakedness for a long time — and THIS time, hundreds of them climbed onto the speaking platform with Pearson. It was quite an event (and provincial negotiations followed).
Very strange coincidence — I was reading an article attempting to estimate the number of Scientologists in the world (10-40 thousand), which had a chart which mentioned Mennonites; I realized I don’t know much of anything about them, so I read the Wikipedia article, which mentioned the Duhobors, where this picture was, which lead me to read more about those protests and what nudity represented in that context for various Duhobor groups. I also learned Canada introduced “indecent exposure” law as a result of these events. And that was yesterday.