January 5th, 2020 -- by Bacchus
Anus: Prepared
Long before the “Prepare your anus” meme ever came bubbling up out of the internet’s swampy bits, fetish artist Bill Ward was illustrating the general idea. If you prefer a naval metaphor, this trembling Ward heroine has cleared her decks for action:
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This entry was posted on Sunday, January 5th, 2020 at 10:05 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=24521
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=24521
I realized looking at this that I am generally more likely to comment on something like your poontang song post, or something thought-provoking — but I just think the smut you post is truly awesome, like this one. And I wanted to tell you that juts because my reaction to this doesn’t generally inspire me to write to you does NOT mean that I don’t appreciate a) the smut, b) any comments you are willing to make yourself on it, and c) the similar links you post that let me go back (i often get lost following link to link to link…)
So thank you for this wonderful smut!
Fuzzy, that’s good to hear! The daily bread and butter smut posts that go up quick and don’t require a lot of effort also don’t get a lot of feedback, so I sometimes wonder how much audience they have. It’s also good to hear that somebody is using the related links. You are most welcome.
I love â¤ï¸ everything posted here. Everything 😠You keep me in touch with my cod-dangle and keep my bollingbrooks full. TYVM ðŸ‘