December 11th, 2023 -- by Bacchus
Tinker Bell, Pollinator
Did you know that Tinker Bell was a pollinator? Because I did not. I should have known, because most small colorful flying things are. But it hadn’t occurred to me:
Artwork is by RatedEHC.
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Tinkerbell has breasts, which means she is a mammal, which means she reproduces sexually and gives birth to live young. However, judging by the proportions of that spadix, she has a cavernous vagina and no other internal organs.
Fairy magic, obviously!
Tink a pollinator?
From the looks of things, she looks more like the pollinatee!
That’s how it works, boss! Pollen from the stamen sticks the furry parts of her abdomen (so to speak) and some of it rubs or brushes off on the essential parts of the next flower…
It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Flower fairies look after the flowers, make sure that they get watered and the right amount of shade and sunlight, and, well, if the wind and insects aren’t polinating the flowers, the fairies must take matters into their own hands.