June 30th, 2024 -- by Bacchus
Buff Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty has really bulked up since the last time I saw her! I never knew she was a muscle mommy:
The sticker was spotted for sale in Toronto by mcc.
I must now confess that “muscle mommy” is a new phrase in my inventory. After checking to confirm my shallow understanding of it, I found myself typing “are muscle mommies lesbian-coded” into Google. And that, my friends, is not a question that 2024’s AI-infected ad-tech-enabled search engines are willing or able to answer for me.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=32803
After looking up queer coding, to check, DDG seemed relevant in its results for your search term. As did the main Google.com. Both in private sessions over VPN to .. errrrr…. where I am surfacing currently…. Amsterdam. That may explain it.
Having accidentally found ourselves at the Pride March in London at the weekend I noted that the more muscular stereotypes were quite scarce. Always with an eye out for the Tom of Holland types, I was quite disappointed. So maybe muscular is no longer in.
Thanks, Finagle. After your search experience, I went back and redid my hasty ninety seconds of searching from yesterday. For me, Google returned a bunch of results without “coded” that mostly explored lesbians lusting after the muscle mommy body type, but without indicating whether “muscle mommy” itself encodes any suggestion of gayness. When I took the offered opportunity to insist on “coded” results, I got many fewer results that were even less relevant.
Surprisingly, the DDG results are indeed much closer to relevant, which is a surprise. Although the snippets don’t directly address my question, they point to a bunch of reddit conversations that seem to promise relevant discussion.