
The Sex Blog Of Record

“You’re Doing It Wrong”: The Cure

Sunday, February 5th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Dan Savage advice at its classic best:

In my opinion, the woman who informed you that you would be laughed out of “the community” for your choice of safe word is being a huge dickhead. In fact, it sounds like she has a bad case of You’re Doing It Wrong.

YDIW is a social-skills disorder that members of the BDSM community are at particular risk of acquiring. (Others at heightened risk: religious conservatives, sports fans, advice columnists.) BDSMers with YDIW feel they have a right to inform other BDSMers that they’re doing it wrong–whatever it might be–even if the “it” being done wrong poses no risk to the YDIW sufferer or anyone else.

YDIW in BDSMers–and social conservatives–can be treated and cured through the application of “NO ONE GIVES A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, ASSHOLE.” It should be applied liberally whenever YDIW flares up.

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Butt Sex: Michael Medved Is Doin’ It Wrong

Saturday, January 1st, 2011 -- by Bacchus

The most common sexual practice between two men involves an act of aggression — inflicting more pain than pleasure for at least one of the parties.

— Michael Medved

As quoted on Joe My God.

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Memo To A Politician: UR DOIN IT RONG

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Somebody really needs to give New Hampshire State Representative Nancy Elliot a quick course on the purposes, means, and procedures for fulfilling anal sex. Because this is what she thinks about it (yes, there is video):

“We’re talking about taking the penis of one man and putting it in the rectum of another man and wriggling it around in excrement.”

Or, maybe somebody should tell her she just needs a good facial?

wrong kind of facial

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Bathtime: “Ur doin it rong”

Sunday, January 4th, 2009 -- by Bacchus

anime girl riding in the washing machine

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