
The Sex Blog Of Record

Cary Grant, Spanking and Grinning

Thursday, April 10th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

Spanking Blog has a reproduction of an Art Buchwald column from 1968 in which Buchwald supposedly consults his lawyer about the legalities of wife spanking. The column was stimulated (ha) by then-current scandalous news from the divorce proceedings of legendary actor Cary Grant. Supposedly the actor responded to an allegation that he’d spanked his soon-to-be-ex-wife by admitting it. His defense? He had, he claimed, “reasonable and adequate cause” to spank her. A small detail from the trial testimony: he was grinning when he did it.

The past? It is indeed another country. Forget the wife spankings of the rich and famous; it’s bizarre enough that people used to actually litigate the question of whether sufficient grounds for a divorce existed!

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Should Wives Be Spanked? A Slow Conversation

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 -- by Bacchus

Here’s something that a reader recently mentioned to me as an example of the sort of conversation over time (covering most of a century, if you squint at it just so) that may be unique to the blogging world. Way back in 2003 Spanking Blog posted a lighthearted cover from a pre-WWII pulp magazine, featuring a comic-book style image of a woman rubbing her sore bottom and the story title Should Wives Be Spanked? Men Always Ask.

wife spanking in the 1920s

And that was that … until 2007. The post must have gotten some search engine love at that point, because ever since then, it’s been ever-so-slowly accumulating comments, more than thirty of them over five years. And the comments, almost unanimously, are from people who want to answer the question, as if it were utterly serious. And, no surprise given the context, when it comes to the question of wife spanking, most of the people in that particular slow conversation are for it.

It’s an interesting example of that phenomenon Dr. Faustus likes to talk about, where the internet facilitates discovery and exchange between like-minded people with minority interests.

The last thing I want to do is derail a conversation that’s been ongoing since 2003 (or 1925) so if you feel the urge to participate, please do it there. You already know my own answer: “Only if they ask very nicely…”

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Egalitarian Beatings For Marital Bliss

Saturday, February 19th, 2011 -- by Bacchus

Thanks to the German Historical Institute we learn of a woodcut from the second half of the seventeenth century by one Abraham Bach, said to be part of a then “rapidly growing literature on the conditions of a happy marriage and on codes of behavior reinforced gender roles.”

german domestic discipline beatings for marital bliss

“In the first scene of this two-part woodcut, a man beats his wife for being proud, impious, lazy, and drunk”:

German man beats his wife

“In the second scene, a woman beats her husband for gambling, drinking, gluttony, and chasing pretty girls.”

German wife beats her husband

It’s a veritable 17th century Spencer Spanking Plan, I tell you!

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Start As You Mean To Continue

Monday, September 20th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Apparently wife spanking is like many another tricky enterprise: it’s best to start off as you mean to continue:

new bride gets a spanking

Spanking Blog has, no surprise, more — although the strictness of the caning that this particular blushing bride gets is something of an eye-opener. Apparently she didn’t believe in premarital sex, and made him wait, *gasp*, five whole months for their wedding night. As her new husband explains:

The suffering I’ve been through, the frustration I’ve had waiting for what I’m going to do to you tonight, has been sheer pain. I’m going to even the score a little…

Say it with me: “awdudepoorbaby…”

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Spanking In The Times

Saturday, December 20th, 2008 -- by Bacchus

Can you believe that this cartoon once appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times? Illustrating, of all things, an Ann Landers advice column?

ping-pong paddle spanking cartoon

Spanking Blog has the story.

The times (and the Sun-Times) have sure changed since 1960.

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