“Chubby Girl” 1962?
I’ve been having a lot of fun with my collection of vintage skin magazines lately, but some of the things you find in them are absolutely astonishing cultural artifacts. Of course it’s no surprise that pornographers, like fashion photographers, tend to have a warped idea of what constitutes “chubby” in a woman. But I was still astonished to find this photograph as the illustration, in a 1962 Mood magazine, for an article about “chubby girls”:
The article itself is an amazing compilation of wild stereotypes and unreconstructed male smugness:
Chubby Chums Are Grateful Girls!
By George PesanteThe trouble with this country is not smog or juvenile delinquency or even TV commercials. The trouble with this country is, that it’s getting so hard to find a fat girl.
Oh, sure, they still exist, and a good thing too, because if they ever do disappear from view, we’re going to have to raise them in special herds like the vanishing buffalo.
But what with all this diet talk and reducing salons springing up to replace the corner pool room, and what with cars getting smaller, lower, the fat girl is being driven out of fashion.
This is too bad. Any man who has played parlor hockey with a fat girl knows that here is a wonderful fund of fun, frolic and felicity.
Unlike slim girls who are the darlings of modern fashion, fat girls get little attention. That means that when a man does bestow his favors upon them, they react like a St. Bernard in a sausage factory.
They laugh, they giggle, they respond to your attentions with happy shrieks. In short, they just lap it up. What’s more, they don’t need to be persuaded. Simply give them the nod and they’re off to the races. And once a fat girl gets herself in motion, she’s awfully hard to stop.
Incidentally, the old belief that fat girls are necessarily jolly girls is only sometimes true. There are plenty of fat girls who are so frustrated by their lack of male attention that they are foul-tempered, mean and sullen.
The majority of them are sunny though, and even the grumpy lumpies will respond much more quickly to a little warmth than the average slim-waisted woman.
Some girls are fat, of course, because they have glandular deficiencies and these are generally to be avoided. Frequently they have moustaches and evil tempers and are so fat as to cause topographical confusion.
On the other hand, a girl who is generously plump, simply because the good Lord made her that way, a girl who likes to eat and drink and have herself a good time — this girl is worth solid gold, all 180 pounds of her.
Another fallacy about fat girls is that they are light on their feet. This isn’t true, most of them are as heavy as all get-out. But it’s pretty easy to get them off their feet. And that’s what really counts.
A fat girl is used to the notiion that people can’t lift her up and toss her around as if she were a ballerina. Consequently, she won’t force you to go through those gymnastics. She’ll arrange herself in such a way as to spare you the grunt and groan preliminaries.
Generally speaking, fat girls have one trait in common which their slimmer sisters do not always enjoy. They tend to have skins as smooth as foam rubber and twice as bouncy.
They cost less to feed than slim girls because they go in heavy for bread and mashed potatoes and show a marked preference for beer.
Because fat girls do not get the rush that slim girls do, they don’t expect to be taken out to fancy places. They don’t expect filet mignon and champagne. The back seat of a car and a pile of sandwiches will do nicely, especially if both the sandwiches and the back seat are big.
Fat girls tend to live alone more often than slim girls. They need more room around them and also, they are embarrassed by their slimmer roommates. This makes it much easier to date a fat girl, and what’s more, to make the date pay off.
Needless to say, fat girls are a joy in the wintertime, because there’s nothing more comforting than to find yourself enfolded by great mounds of curvy girl. They are equally delightful in the summer time, however, because they like nothing on but the electric fan. And, after all, what could be more fun than that?
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Either the author of the article was actually a virgin at the time of writing, or the world has changed a lot more than I’d thought since my Granny was of dating age…
As for the picture, um, chubby *where*? I’m puzzled. I’ll have to stare at it for a long, long time.
Adele: I’m with you; nothing against chubby women, but she’s not one. Except possibly in the writer’s stoned-off-his-own-prose imagination — though I doubt even that, since he probably didn’t pick the photo; maybe the art director bogarted some of what he was smoking?
She is, nonetheless, utterly gorgeous.
That’s what took my breath away about this, even more than the bizarro-world article. In what galaxy is this girl chubby?
If she’s chubby than I must be a whale.
Thanks for letting the article speak for itself. A reminder that being fair and decent to women is a work in progress. Nice babe too!
Interesting article. I wonder where the author is today, and did he ever find his chubby girl?
I also think that the author may not have picked the image that went with the article.
“this girl is worth solid gold, all 180 pounds of her”.
Aha! I am made of gold.
As for chubby – my image of beauty of the perfectly porportioned woman came from Frazetta drawings. By today’s standards I believe those women are either chubby or grotesque.
Good God, one does have to wonder how little one must weigh to have pleased that author to no longer qualify as chubby.
Thankfully, there are more aware people in this world. 1962 or 2008, there will always be those who generalize and miss out on what’s truly special about those of substantial weight.
But seriously, after reading the article, my guess is the photo was meant to represent the premise that “chubby girls are hard to find” and the woman was to be proof the author had looked high and low and come up with none.
I enjoy the part where the (virgin? forever?) author noted that “fat” girls live alone because they’re embarrassed to not be thin like their roommates. I (also a “whale made of gold: Fraulien and ImNotSoFat) live by myself because I got tired of urging my thin roommates to eat because one cannot successfully live off of a single grape all day. =)
I concur at her gorgeousness. If she’s fat, sign me up!
Sadly, I know too many men that apparently subscribed to this forevervirgin’s newsletter.
I can’t tell if she is chubby or not because she has the type of breasts that drive me insane with lust and I can’t stop looking at them.
The phrase “topographical confusion” made me laugh out loud. If you’ve got topographical confusion about any woman, you should hang up your condoms and just stay home.
Chubby? Perhaps my outdated computer has stretched your web page vertically and she’s actually 2’8″ tall. The article is more politically incorrect than a dialogue between Don Imus and Michael Richards. Reminds me of an article from a 1960s women’s magazine where a doctor argued that women shouldn’t exercise because it would make them too masculine and infertile.
C’mon people lighten up this is a parody piece.
I think she’s perfect! What a figure, and curves! Mmm-MMM.
Who needs boney joints and protrusions?
Looks to me like a well excercised and fed woman. What I wish all women would aspire to be like.
Barry O, parody? I don’t think so. Yeah, it was written in mock-humorous tone, but I don’t detect the faintest whiff of parody about it. Imagine the dumbest article you’ve ever seen in a magazine like Stuff or Maxim (or, on the women’s side, Cosmo). Now run your time machine in reverse on that article and run it back in time 46 years. The result is printed above. It’s not parody because it’s not smart enough to be parody.
fwiw, the author’s name ‘Pesante’ means “heavy or lumpy” in musical terms. It’s also an anagram for “Peasant”
Also, regarding the question of parody-or-not, this line at the top of the article:
The trouble with this country is, that it’s getting so hard to find a fat girl. tips me towards “parody”.
But, hell, the George Pesante could have written instructions on desludging 1961 Buick LeSabre’s trottle, accompanied it with that picture, and I’d be okay with whatever he wrote.
Chubby!? It seems buy 1963 standards, when Marilyn, Jayne Mansfield and the like, this woman is svelt. Either way, she’d work just fine for me!
Alex99a makes a good point. At the time, men’s magazines were in danger unless they contained “meaningful content” or “redeeming social content”, so, often they would run what read like someone’s college essay or an article on sex that might be construed as educational. A good many publications ran photos that were purely of an erotic nature (designed to give one a “chubby”) to masturbate by, accompanied by at least one obligatory article, (usually quite hokey, or obviously contrived as someone’s creative writing assignment), that no one ever really read…
I doubt that whoever wrote that ever saw the picture they were going to run with his piece. Sounds just like all the meaningless copy that they ran with the photos in the old men’s magazines.
Passerby, “peasant” and “pesante” are not anagrams, i think you’ll find.
Oh, pshaw, the author missed the boat on this one. Everyone who has ever loved a big girl knows its not their lack of companionship that makes them such powerful sackmates, but their overdeveloped appetites, oral fixations and the shear joy they take in gluttony in its finest form! There’s a lot to be said about insatiability.
God bless BBW’s everywhere!
She is a baby making factory… for sure. Look at those tits, those hips, those eyes. I would mate and breed her any time! Of course, I already have a gorgeous, full bodied woman to mate with, but you get my drift. Skinny is tired… full bodied, real women are wired!
I had to stop reading the article when he stated, “Oh, sure, [fat girls] still exist, and a good thing too, because if they ever do disappear from view, we’re going to have to raise them in special herds like the vanishing buffalo.” What a pissant…
I gladly sacrificed my virginity to a big girl: Not obese, but definitely beyond zaftig. The thing was, it wasn’t that I was drawn to her size; when you get right down to it, the photo used with this article is the kind of woman I prefer to view. What drew me to this woman, and to a great number of similarly big women, is she projected an attitude that I find irresistable: She had no illusions regarding her size, but she was still attractive, and when she got horny she would let you know in very provocative ways.
Really, what’s really sexy in a woman isn’t appearance so much as attitude: Naomi Campbell may look good, but with that piss-poor personality of hers you couldn’t pay me to have sex with her. Same with Christy Brinkley. But you find a decent big girl with a sweet personality and the sex drive of a cougar in heat, and I won’t be leaving the room any time soon…
Well, she’s not chubby in the least, but she’s very, very scrumptious!
The picture is beautiful, the text .. interesting. If you ignore the fact that the author is listing pretty much all ridiculous stereotypes about both “fat” and “skinny” girls, it’s just a long article about his sexual preference. Oh well. We all got ours.
Just asked my Mother’s musical Boyfriend, and ‘Pesante’ does indeed mean ‘heavy’.
The only chubby I see is the one this girl gives me. How can she be considered chubby?