Anne Rice Update
About a year and a half ago I brought up the example of author Anne Rice in a a post here about the role that religion (Roman Catholicism in particular) likely played in the development of many people’s erotic consciousness — Rice’s in particular. The post was provoked by a discussion of Rice’s highly public conversion to Christianity.
Well, as of a couple of weeks ago, Rice has decided she’d had enough.
I quit being a Christian. I’m out. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of… Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.
A somewhat snarky commenter was moved to ask “Does this mean I can enjoy The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty again?”
For my part, I doubt I can improve any of this by further commentary, so I shan’t try. Hat tip on this one to Andrew Sullivan.
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Will we be getting Poppy Z back too?
I can’t even try anymore to figure out what’s going on in her mind. I just know that in times of Twilight we are in dire need for her REALLY sexy vampires. (Sleeping Beauty of course…. oh yes.) But I’m afraid this doesn’t bring her back, really….
It reads like Ms. Rice has discovered true Christianity instead of the Churchianism practiced in the United States.
In defense of true Christians (Defined as those who endeavor to live their own lives as Christ taught, and follow his example), and in defense as well of Ms. Rice herself (Who, in the link, stated that she indeed remained committed to Christ…), the “haters” that she described, aren’t by definition true Christians.
Christ stated that his message could be summed up in the practice of treating others in the manner that you yourself would like to be treated. Not wanting to be identified with the haters, is decidedly Christ-like. So as I see it, by coming out on the side of kindness, she was merely affirming her Christianity…
My area of the country is all atwitter with this news. Nothing like a true Christian to offend all of the phonies.
You know, I’d find this piece of news a lot more meaningful if she’d just come out as an atheist. That would actually be a victory. But a hack writer weakly giving up on one religion doesn’t say much. Odds are she’s just going on to move on to a new set of superstitious lies.
Coming out as an atheist, however, would almost make up for the dreck that is her writing career.
Yeah Karl, I’m kinda with you. I actually saw this story and decided not to mention it, because it looked like she had decided to try and have her cake and Jesus too, or something. Jesus without the Christianity, or being a Christian without calling herself one, or being a Christian without being willing to carry the moral weight of being associated with other Christians, or whatever. In a word, cowardice, not the moral courage she’s trying to claim.
But Dr. Faustus is his own man, and has a blank check to write pretty much whatever he wants here.
“hack writer”, Karl? I would hardly describe Anne Rice as that. In any case, good on her. Freeing yourself from organized religion is always a good thing.