March 24th, 2011 -- by Bacchus
Knot Demo Bondage
I really don’t understand what’s going on here. It looks like a Navy class on how to tie knots, but what’s the naked man doing tied up in the middle of the room?
My best guess would be, he’s a bad-example incentive. The desire to “not be that guy” is what the instructor is using to encourage studiousness among the rest of the students.
Via Kinky Delight.
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Kissing the gunner’s daughter , but knot quite. My Daddy was a sailor , i should ask him. Every swinging d* should know how to tie a few knots. And nobody ties knots like a sailor does. If fact, it was either a fiction novel, or real life, where to perp turned out to be a ex-sailor, cos the vics were bound with such through tight knots.
Sure it is not photoshopped? Something about the edges of the naked man seems…. odd.
I’ve yet to see a photo on the internet I was “sure” wasn’t photoshopped. There’s no way to be “sure” unless you’re the photographer. ;-)
However, for longstanding policy reasons, we don’t play the “is it photoshopped or not?” game here. FWIW, you’re not the only one who has wondered; you’re just the first whose comment didn’t get moderated away due to baseless “you’re wrong on the internet” triumphalist crowing.
It could be the Navy SEALs class class on drowning. But the spats on the uniforms is of the wrong era.
I was able to find that the image came from a user of IMGFAVE which then led to a livejournal page http://communit...utid1
Cf: http://www.jane...s.htm
Shopped. Officially.