December 11th, 2014 -- by Bacchus
Milked Man
A delicate prostate milking three times a day is the prescription this naughty but meticulous nurse has come up with for the man in her long-term ward. Her graduated beaker lets her keep careful records of his semen productivity, but she always worries that they’ll be disturbed before she can swallow the evidence:
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Someone took the time and trouble to create this, but when you see the full size picture it becomes apparent that the man’s penis has been censored with a mosaic fuzziness pattern.
What’s the point of that?
WHAT!!!??? I’m constantly discovering I’ve been bamboozled.
It was always my understanding that performance of the favor, was conditional on the quid pro quo entertainment value resulting from the PATIENT being the one to swallow the evidence…
Philip, in my experience this is a ubiquitous feature of Japanese porn that I’m told has its origins in Japanese obscenity law, which must be a very odd creature. Seemingly the only taboo in Japanese porn publishing is to show the un-obscured male penis. There’s plenty of Japanese porn that flouts that rule, especially in the modern community of non-commercial fan art, but just about everything that was originally intended for publication in Japan seems to have the mosaic to one or another degree.
Dr. Whiplash, truly has it been said: different strokes for different folks. I’m sure the procedure is entertaining for somebody either way! But the best part of speculating about the erotic motivations of cartoon characters is that one can never be wrong, no matter what vision appears reflected in the perfect mirror that is illustrated erotic art.
Of course you are right. I actually agree with your initial assessment. The wide-eyed innocent-looking female character is drawn without any hint of having a particularly dominant nature. I wasn’t trying to be critical or argumentative. I was attempting to lighten your day. My humor is often too droll and nuanced to translate well when written. If we had been across a table from each other, you would have noticed a slight wry grin, a twinkle in my eye, and perhaps a slight change in my tone. Perhaps you would have responded with an equally subtle snort…
No worries, Doctor! I apprehended and appreciated your levity and was trying to respond in kind, though I guess that didn’t come through as strongly. Trust and fear not, you made me smile.