
The Sex Blog Of Record

Five Helmets Short Of A Space Picnic

Friday, April 23rd, 2021 -- by Bacchus

Remember Dr. Faustus’s adage that if you’re pretty enough, you don’t need a space suit? That rule is demonstrated no less than five times on the poster for Spaced Out (1979). The dude is the only one with a helmet on, and he’s smoking inside the helmet, which I am pretty sure defeats the purpose:

spaced out poster detail

If you didn’t notice the cameo appearance of an R2 droid on this poster, you aren’t done looking at it yet.

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Galactic Sex Zoo

Friday, October 18th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

I’m always a sucker for a good scifi porn comic. In Galactic Zoo, it turns out that the Greys are just minions for some lusty galactic slave catchers:

the grays are kidnapping her for an alien sex slave

galactic slavers admiring their sex slave catches

male and female abductees being hustled along to the sex performance and observation tank

The alien slavers have “expanding gel” that makes sure male captives don’t stay uselessly limp, and they are interested in observing human sexuality, presumably for commercial purposes:

aliens want to know if humans will breed in captivity

it looks like the captive breeding thing is gonna work

Their scientific protocols, however, leave something to be desired.

fucking on command for galactic slavers

And all that’s just during the transport of our unfortunate human abductees. They haven’t even arrived at the titular galactic zoo, yet…

Galactic Zoo
is drawn by Montal for

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“Sweet Thing, Did You Bring The Wasabi?”

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002 -- by Bacchus

It is rapidly becoming the custom of this blog to break up the bleak peach (or whatever color this background actually is — Bacchus thinks “goes with” is a female conspiracy to keep men in vilest subjugation) with gratuitous nekkid artwork every so often. So, without further ado, herewith a nymph with a minor bondage problem who bids fair to become monster snacks in the next panel:

naked damsel in bondage and about to be eaten by alien monster

Via Usenet.

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