The Sex Blog Of Record
Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 -- by Bacchus
For the first time in years, I’m getting multiple substantive comments per day here on ErosBlog that aren’t making it through the first-time-commenter moderation. Of course, it’s all post-election triumphalist culture-war and political trolling. My favorite line so far: “I was told some cuck runs this retro site and thinks it is Reddit, hence anything that offends the snowflake, written in the comment section, never sees the light of day.”
The snowflake/cuck in question explained all this back in 2006, in the ErosBlog FAQ:
Question: Why did you delete/moderate my comment?
Answer: Most likely because you weren’t nice. I ask ErosBlog commenters to be civil, friendly, polite, nice. And I enforce that. We don’t welcome flaming, aggressive debating style, snark, or even strong sarcasm. Yes, I do break these rules myself, sometimes. But I live here.
I am actually quite curious which of three things is true: (a) ErosBlog got linked in some hostile space, steering the current crop of trolls to us; or (b) I have enough reach on Mastodon now that my posts there, or perhaps especially my hashtags, are falling under hostile eyes, and leading them hither; or (c) the trolls have always been ErosBlog readers, now stirred and emboldened by the recent election.
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Monday, April 22nd, 2024 -- by Bacchus
There’s a reason Zelda is legendary, but who knew it involved blowing cum bubbles at sex parties in random bokoblin camps?
By Sabudenego.
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Friday, September 26th, 2014 -- by Bacchus
I first heard of “Social Justice Warrior” being used as an insult when I ran across some of science fiction author John Scalzi’s internet trolls. My reaction? “You say that like it’s a bad thing…” So I love this:
It’s always hilarious to hear SJW used as an insult. “Social justice warrior” is the basic plot of most ’80s action shows and cartoons. Arriving in places and fighting against discrimination? The A-Team were social justice warriors. It’s practically a synonym for Knight Rider. Insulting someone for respecting other people is like insulting them for masturbating — the fact you don’t do it has way more to do with why you’re so upset all the time.
It’s from 7 Reasons “Gamergate” Proves Humanity is Doomed.
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Sunday, May 25th, 2014 -- by Bacchus
I don’t get much of the horrible internet hate directed my way, but I get a little; and of course you can’t be an internet citizen without stepping over cesspits of the stuff every time there’s an un-moderated comment thread somewhere. Here’s a comic response to the haters, a response that only 1.6 million of you saw before I did:
Sexually aggressive racist homophobe misogynistic cowardly illiterate wastes of human skin: this one’s for you!
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Monday, October 25th, 2010 -- by Bacchus
Remember my ranty post Spam Robot Finally Rolls 00 Versus Turing? Well, a commenter there has pointed to a delightfully on-point XKCD:
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 -- by Bacchus
Julie Meadows is obviously a better person than I am, or at least she has a greater reserve of patience and humanitarian goodwill. I myself wouldn’t even dream of trying to engage the spewers of filth in the comments at YouTube; on her blog, she not only engages them, but tries to help them. Example:
I get it, I get it, you’re angry, you hate all “whores”, and like so many other underage people with angst, you’re taking out your frustations by bullying people on YouTube. What is it with YouTube and angry boys? The videos? The opportunity to be entertained and annoy? I will say a kind word to you, but I can’t go into too much detail because I can see from your homepage that you bully/spam comment lots of people, so you obviously weren’t just targeting the Bobbi Starr Interviews.
If you were my son I’d say this… Relax. People will always confuse you and make you mad and make you want to strike out, but you’ll get a lot farther by being kind, and it will make you feel better, too. Whatever it is that pains you, whatever difficult thing you’re going through, you can e-mail me. Maybe I can give you some good advice. You’re probably a good kid, you just have too much on your mind and parents that are not very attentive due to their own daily distractions. Relax. There’s nothing wrong with good-looking women who have sex whenever they want with whomever they want. If the problem is that they’re not having sex with you, give it some time and work on your people skills. You think too much. Besides, if you don’t change your attitude at some point, you’ll be buying time from these women, so you’d do well to start liking them now.
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