
The Sex Blog Of Record

Christian Domestic Discipline…On TV

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 -- by Bacchus

There’s an obscure branch of the spanking community that you’ll stumble on if you spend too much time on the internet, like me. It’s called “Christian Domestic Discipline” and it features spousal spankings (almost always for the wife) in the name of fostering marital harmony. Google it if you like; I am not making this up.

You should know…just for the record…that Christian DD proponents usually claim that these spankings are neither erotic nor sexual; the man in such a relationship typically claims that he does not enjoy administering these spankings and receives no erotic charge from doing so, considering it instead something of an onerous but worthwhile duty. Spend much time reading the forums and kinky websites where erotic spanking enthusiasts hang out, though, and you’ll find these claims treated with friendly derision. Spanking people assume that Christian DD practitioners are, not to put to fine a point on it, fooling themselves — cloaking a bog-standard spanking fetish in worthy-sounding rhetoric, so they don’t have to “own” their fetish, even to themselves.

I give you all that background so that you’ll understand why I found this YouTube clip so entertaining. In it, Australian TV comic John Safran flies to Alabama to interview some Christian DD practitioners and learn about Christian spanking. He brings along pretty actress Kristen Condon so that he’ll have someone to practice his spanking on, and he conducts the interview with that pretension of sincerity that got Steven Colbert his start, but without so much biting mockery. The result is, to my eye, just about the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on Australian TV (which is helped by the fact that I’ve never seen Australian TV before):

[YouTube embed broken and removed. Archive link here.]

Thanks to Spanking Flicks for finding this.

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Bu-Cookie Party?

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

bukkake cookie facial

Found at Cleavage Lover.

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Putting the “Balls” In “Ball-Gag” Since 2009

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 -- by Bacchus

For some reason, the new “Ballz Gag” strikes me as one of those concepts that nobody thought all the way through:

balls in her mouth

The photograph of the product in use is quite funny; the look on the woman’s face could earn her a place on a “PWNED” pic. However, a moment’s reflection is enough to make a fellow wonder, just who is PWNED in this picture? As the sales copy says:

Don’t think that you are in complete control though! Your partner may be the one with a pair of balls strapped to their face but if they decide to move, you have no choice but to follow, lest you want to lose your jewels.

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This Party Sucks

Thursday, October 8th, 2009 -- by Bacchus

A few months back, some folks decided to invoke The Guiding Spirits of Our Founding Fathers by holding political protests in symbolic invocation of the Boston Tea Party. They showed up carrying signs, had noisy speakers make noisy speeches, waved some tea bags around, and in some cases, threw said tea bags into nearby bodies of water.

So far, so normal. Public life in America. Could have happened in any decade of the last couple of hundred years.

But… it turned out there was a small cultural misunderstanding. There are some divergent strands in U.S. culture these days, and as the culture fragments, communication “cross-strand” becomes difficult due to linguistic drift.

Thus, some of the people with the tea bags began to call themselves “tea baggers”; and they started calling their protest efforts “tea bagging”.

Hilarity ensued, because of the the fact that “tea bag” (as a verb) already had a well-established sexual connotation in popular slang. A fact of which the “new” tea baggers appeared to be blissfully ignorant.

I was reminded of all of this when I saw a certain t-shirt. Wouldn’t this shirt have been the very perfect thing to wear to one of those protests?

I shaved my balls for this?


Caught By A Bunny

Friday, August 21st, 2009 -- by Bacchus

This bit of art looks like it ought to have a humorous caption. Any suggestions?

sexy bunny catches hunter

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