The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All
Ask not for whom the pornocalypse tolls. It tolls for thee.
Recently I’ve been seeing lots of tweets and headlines suggesting that Amazon is going through another round of cracking down on porn ebooks, generally burying them deeper and making them harder to find (or, as their people would no doubt put it, making it harder for porn to pop up accidentally in general searches.) I haven’t paid a lot of attention, because I’m old and I’m weary and I’ve seen this pattern repeated over and over again throughout the internet age. Somebody builds a platform or service or community or whatever, it is even better with porn, lots of people use it for porn, it grows awesomely, eventually the suits get uncomfortable with all the porn that is at the foundation of their business, and so they try to marginalize it or (usually later in the process) drive it out entirely (though this often fails).
Smart people know that the internet (hell, any new technology disruptive enough to be interesting) is for porn. Remember why home VCRs exploded in popularity? How many of you Usenet veterans were motivated to get a Usenet feed (or a better feed than the on you started with) because of the porn groups? Smarter observers than me have noticed that the appearance of porn on your new platform is proof, of a weak sort, that your platform is important enough to matter:
I’d offer the hypothesis that any sufficiently advanced read/write technology will get used for two purposes: pornography and activism. Porn is a weak test for the success of participatory media — it’s like tapping a mike and asking, “Is it on?” If you’re not getting porn in your system, it doesn’t work. Activism is a stronger test — if activists are using your tools, it’s a pretty good indication that your tools are useful and usable.
There’s one sentence there that’s very important: “If you’re not getting porn in your system, it doesn’t work.” The suits always miss an important corollary: “If you’re trying to root out the porn in your system, you’re trying to break your own system.”
But, strive to break it they do. It’s a seemingly-inevitable phase in the growth cycle of any commercial “read/write technology”. (Although, these days, I’ve noticed that a lot of new platforms are attempting to bake “broken for grownups” into their products from the beginning. Pinterest and your “no nudity” TOS, I’m thinking of you! Google+ and your war on nyms, you also.)
The first one of these cycles I lived through was eBay in the early days. If you remember that far back (we’re talking mid 1990s) eBay was especially vital and amazing right after it got a critical mass of users, but before the whole world had figured out that old stuff was suddenly much more valuable now that there was an efficient mechanism for matching it to willing buyers. Basically there was a supply glut on nifty old stuff right at first, the accumulated collectibles of history all hitting the market at once. And this was as true for vintage porn (magazines and books and videotapes) as it was for any other genre of collectibles.
And it was AWESOME. I still have (in very deep storage) apple boxes full of vintage porn magazines I bought for less money than it cost to have them shipped to me via USPS media mail. Someday I’d love to get a high speed scanner and put them all up on the web Internet Archive style, but it would be a labor of years and I’d need a very wealthy and eccentric patron. Meanwhile, I preserve them as best I can.
But then Meg Whitman happened. It’s too many years ago now for me to recall how many successive waves of anti-porn activism swept the eBay auction platform, but it was many.
The adult items got their own section, it got put behind an age self-verification button, the adult items vanished from the general search, the adult section itself got removed from the category listing making it very hard to find, and then there was wave after wave of auction removals based on listing policies that were vague and erratically enforced. There were rules about how much nudity could show on magazine covers, there were wide-ranging keyword bans that meant you could not list (or show an uncensored photo of) the true titles of many porn items, there was a ton of selective enforcement, and there was an enormous chilling effect because seller accounts were often banned or limited based on first-offense violations of these deeply-murky rules.
It eventually became clear to everyone that Ebay under Meg Whitman (the former Disney exec) was now officially hostile to porn, where once it had been the leading sales platform for vintage porn especially. The market dried up, market offerings became bland and boring, and everybody who was on eBay for that reason had left. The suits, having stricken off the member that so offended them, declared victory and moved on. They broke it, but they like broken better. Broken is what they wanted, broken is what they got.
So now: is Amazon doing the same with erotic ebooks? To me it looks like early days, but yeah, I see the handwriting on the wall.
One high-profile erotica author, Selena Kitt, writes: “The Pornocalypse has begun. Amazon continues filtering erotica out of their All Department Search in large numbers.”
That’s true as far as it goes. My nascent Bacchus Media porn ebook project has one erotica title (a Victorian erotica classic that I repackaged for the Kindle back in 2009) for sale on Amazon, and sure enough, it’s flagged “Adult” and does not appear in an “All Departments” search. But it does appear in “Kindle Store” and “Books” searches, which strikes me as proper behavior. This is not (yet) a hidden and unsearchable category ghetto.
Not yet. But erotic authors are starting to feel the noose. Here’s Selena Kitt in another post:
Hey, does anyone remember when Amazon started banning erotic fiction?
Or when Apple removed “certain” titles from their bestseller lists?
Or when Paypal stopped paying for “certain types” of erotica?
When Amazon began excluding books from its “all department” search?
When Smashwords started cracking down on “nipples and floppy bits and dangly parts?”
Or when Apple began rejecting outright those books which contained “certain content” they didn’t agree with?
Or when Barnes and Noble stripped bestselling erotica books (in the top 100) of their ranks by 1,000 points?
And the new anti-porn pornocalypse rules get bizarre very quickly. Why would the largest bookseller in the world deny the existence of the Erotic Romance category? Back to the first Selena Kitt post I linked to:
Back when I hit the top 100 on Amazon, the competition wasn’t anywhere near as fierce as it is today. They didn’t know quite what to do with a naked woman’s bottom on their bestseller list.
That’s when they began the system that we are seeing them implementing now — what we in erotica circles call the “ADULT filter.” Back then, you were only filtered (which means that you were excluded from the all-department search, and your book didn’t appear in the also-boughts of any books that were not filtered, which was very limiting at the time!) if your book contained nudity on the cover.
So I slapped a thong on the woman on my Babysitting the Baumgartners cover and Amazon “unfiltered” my book. Sales resumed at their usual pace and life went on. But I had to figure out myself what the problem was, the reason the filter had been applied in the first place. There was no transparency on Amazon’s part. None. Nada. I even talked on the phone to an “Amazon executive customer service representative” who would only “confirm or deny” my suspicions.
I felt like Woodward and Bernstein talking to Deep Throat in a parking garage somewhere. That’s how bizarre and surreal the conversation was.
The media has recently picked up on Amazon’s latest attack on “porn,” but the Pornocalypse looks as if it’s just begun.
The filtering tool that Amazon previously only used to exclude nudity on covers is now being applied to books arbitrarily, but in very, very large numbers. We haven’t seen a purge this big on Amazon since they banned incest and bestiality in erotic work.
First of all, Amazon has now separated Erotica and Romance. I don’t know if erotic romance writers know this or have realized it yet, but Amazon has recently changed their policy (not that they’ve told anyone about it or anything!) and you can no longer put your book in BOTH Erotica and Romance categories. You have to choose one or the other. “Erotic Romance” as a category will now classify your book as “erotica.”
And be careful, because once you have labeled your book as “erotic,” they will not allow you to reclassify it as NOT erotic. The only exception to this rule I have seen so far is for traditionally published books (ala Fifty Shades). Self-published books don’t get this treatment.
Meg Whitman rides again, and this time her name is Jeff Bezos. My prediction is, the pornocalypse rules will get more restrictive and more opaque and more arbitrary. Erotica will never vanish from Amazon’s platform — just like it never vanished completely from Ebay — but its prominence in the success of the Kindle platform will be swept under the rug of history.
And make no mistake: erotica mattered to the success of the Kindle and to that of ebook readers in general. Here’s my own take on that from a few months ago, from a post I called Discreet Porn For Women:
It’s no secret that the rise of the portable e-book reader (whatever brand you favor) has triggered a quiet boom in the prose-porn-for-women industry. But if you’re a man and you’re like me, you may have been fooled by the unassuming “Erotic Romance” styling of the genre.
When a book was a physical artifact only, you had three choices. First, you could limit your reading to book-objects that wouldn’t get you more grief than you could handle, when you were observed with them by your friends and family. Second, you could limit your reading to times and places so private that your book-objects were physically secure from observation. Or, third, you could fudge, by reading book-objects that looked more innocuous than they were, placing them in the first category by courtesy.
Now the electronic reader gives you a fourth choice: read whatever the hell you want, where-ever the hell you want, and just flip closed your completely opaque personalized bejazzled leatherette Hello Kitty e-reader cover whenever anybody else gets too close to your screen. Throw in the Internet so you can buy whatever the hell you want without any witnesses, and the circle is complete. Your credit card statement says “Amazon” and your browser history says (at worst) “erotic romance” and it’s all so very safe from inspection, criticism, or judgment.
Here’s a confirming related visual found at Bondage Blog, talking about why an iPad is an awesome thing to have for looking at porn in public:
Selena Kitt puts the “porn built the Kindle” case even more strongly, from her erotica author’s perspective:
Jeff Bezos may have put out the product, but I made the Kindle into what it is today. Me, and legions of other erotica writers who were already writing it, and those who came later, who saw how much readers were clamoring for it. Readers could suddenly read erotica without anyone seeing the cover. The Kindle device made that possible, Amazon made the Kindle available… but I provided the content readers were surreptitiously reading under their desks at work and on the subway home.
THAT is what sold Kindles. Porn. Face it, Jeff Bezos. You owe the success of Kindle to me, and to every erotica writer out there making a living writing “porn.”
It’s true. And Jeff Bezos knows it. But Amazon is moving on nonetheless. The Pornocalypse comes for us all.
Who is next? My guess would be Tumblr. [2018 update: Did I call this or what?] Tumblr is, of all the big platforms, perhaps the most porn friendly; there’s lots of porn on there and the Terms of Service do not prohibit it. But if you surf Tumblr porn blogs for very long, you’ll notice that they get deactivated a lot. There are some kind of rules (not published anywhere) and if you break them (or, maybe, if somebody complains) you get nuked.
What is forbidden? Tumblr does not say. Maybe it’s age-play images that causes trouble (it can be hard to distinguish that stuff from illegal/pedo shit after all), maybe it’s rough sex photos that aren’t obviously consensual/commercial porn, maybe it’s scat or bestiality. It’s hard to say when all you’ve got to go by is the occasional non-working link with [deactivated] in it.
But Tumblr is, famously, a popular platform in search of a revenue-generating business model. And we’ve learned that the suits have no loyalty to the porn users who made their platform popular. So, my bold prediction is that as Tumblr casts about for a business model, one of their steps will be to “clean this place up” (for the VCs, for the advertisers, for the potential buyers, for somebody). A lot more porn tumblrs will go away when that happens.
The pornocalypse comes for us all.
Is there any defense against the pornocalypse? Not really. To be sure, if you follow Bacchus’s First Rule Of The Internet you can at least protect yourself from losing your data and intellectual property when the anti-porn suits decide to “clean up” whatever social publishing platform you might otherwise have been using. You remember my First Rule: “Anything worth doing on the internet is worth doing at your own domain that you control.”
Unfortunately I wrote that before the true social power of platforms became fully apparent to me. You can protect your physical stuff from loss if you keep it buried in a cave, too, but what good is it if people can’t see it and play with it?
Social media platforms, publishing platforms, auction platforms, online stores, all of these benefit from the network effects of their many connected users, and increasingly they are turning into self-contained silos that aren’t sufficiently connected to the open internet. Following the First Rule protects you from loss, but it doesn’t expose you to gain as well as I thought it did, back in 2004 when I first wrote it down. Back then I believed in the power of the open web and in the impartiality of Google. You make a cool porn thing, you put it on the web, people will find it, joy and orgasms and profit for everybody.
But here in 2013 things look very different. What’s more useless than an iPhone app that isn’t allowed into the Apple store? If you publish that bad boy on your own domain, Google won’t surface it well for searchers and Apple won’t let them install it if they did find it. Nope, the First Rule is not enough.
If you want to play, you have to play where the people are. If you do anything with erotica and porn, that means shunning the platforms where you’re wholly unwelcome, pushing yourself as far as possible onto the platforms where you’re somewhat tolerated, and enthusiastically exploiting the platforms where you’re truly welcome.
But even when you do all this, it’s important to understand that companies and platforms have life cycles, and there seems inevitably to come a time in all of them where porn that was formerly welcome (often, porn that played a fundamental role in building the popularity of the platform) will get kicked to the curb or shoved behind a sleazy curtain at the back of the store. Although I believe in making this process as embarrassing and painful as possible for the companies that do it, I don’t really believe it can be prevented, or even mitigated much. All you can do is expect it, prepare for it, diversify as much as possible onto as many platforms as possible, and stay agile.
The pornocalypse comes for us all.
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Well, that was depressing to read
“Google+ and your war on nyms, you also”
Google+ is an identification service, and was planned to be such from the beginning. Pseudonyms layered on top are fine, but the idea is that you uniquely and securely identify somebody. That sounds bad until you realize the idea is that you walk up to your car, it opens, you sit down in the seat that adjusts for you, the car drives by itself to your next destination, stopping for gas, which it pays off of your linked bank account, then gets you home, where the door opens, and your partner, who has access to your calendar and location, is wearing heels, pearls, fishnet stockings and a smile. You take a picture just by looking at her, and it is stored in your private stash.
Identity that personal needs to be absolutely sure it is *you* and *only* you. Now, atop that, you might have fifteen identities. But to create the world they are trying to make, they really need to have legal (that bank account) and secure (your location, car and calendar) base identity.
Google+ as a social network is transitory. The engineers know that and freely state so in their talks. It’s just that the truth is both a bit scary and less satisfying than a “Google vs. Facebook” simplistic view for most of the media.
Oh, and I missed where I was eventually going. The idea is that G+ provides a base for other services, like your anonymous account. Or your video chat service, where you are known as FluffyDildoWrangler. It bills you under your real name, but G+ *wants* to get out of the way. They just want to be the trusted source.
And like banks are with money, they will lose their business if they can’t keep those identities secure.
Gary, I understand the Google goal. It’s not even necessarily bad. But identification is not always a “service”, especially to people (producers and consumers alike) in the sex trades.
If Google could be trusted to preserve the privacy of all your various pseudonyms, the story might be different. But they aren’t trusted to do that, and they can’t be. Who in the world wants their online sexual identity pseudonyms to be tightly associated with their “real” identity in the database of a one-stop-shop for the subpoenas of any civil litigant? And who wants their online sex chat data-mined for hints on what to sell to their public identity?
Nope, Google wants and needs to be an identity service so they can sell you a lot of stuff. But they won’t be any more friendly to including porn and erotica among that stuff than any of the other big-data silos are. And they’ll never (as a US company) be in the secure-pseudonym business.
Ah, but you see, trust and identity has become valuable. As valuable as money. It is something of worth. If you deposited in a bank, and they just gave your money away and never gave it back to you, you would not use that bank.
Google’s business model is increasingly based on securing your identity just like securing money. And as they start tying it to bank accounts, legal notifications, and medical accounts, suddenly there *is* massive legal protection, even in the US. Well, as much as anything can be.
Google is increasingly in the ethics business, selling trust. They are where banks were in the wild days, before the SEC and FDIC insurance made banking anywhere safe. If they don’t do it, somebody else will. Trustworthiness is an asset that causes people to come to you with their valuables. Entire businesses and universities are placing their information assets — their core needs — into companies like Google’s hands.
And while Amazon and other retailers hate the image of porn, banks don’t care what you do with your money. Nor will identity providers block your activities. It’s bad for their business: being trustworthy with what you want to place with them. Oh, I can see the same kinds of identity theft protection that causes a card to get turned off when habits suddenly change. But that’s it. Bank of America does not care if I buy a crate of Hitachi Magic Wands, even if Hitachi is nervous about them. They only care that I keep my money with them, and will do what it takes (and if they don’t, the credit union down the road will).
Gary, you’re simply wrong about banks. If you don’t think they mind handling porn money, you haven’t tried to get a merchant account to sell adult products. It’s very difficult, very expensive, and the banks consider it very risky. Only a few banks will deal with adult at all, their fees are very high, and their requirements very hard to meet. You can’t simply take your porn money somewhere else; nobody in the industry particularly wants your business. Adult businesses also frequently encounter difficulty just doing basic business banking, if the customer is open about being an adult businesses. The adult industry is a pariah to bankers. They’d rather focus on much larger markets with less risk and no reputational taint.
So, that fails utterly as an example to support a prediction that Google will be interested in defending the sexual privacy of pornographers, porn consumers, sex workers and their customers, unpopular fetishists, adult business people, or anybody else who might suffer adverse consequences from having their sex-related behavior publicly linked to their true identity. Google’s track record here is already poor; they deprecate porn, they routinely filter sexual health info (not to mention porn) out of their search tools regardless of consumer preferences, and there’s no indication that they actually intend to support robust and secure pseudonyms in any of their products. I can understand why you hope they might, and why you think it to be a rational extension of the identity business they are trying to claim. But it’s rather more likely that Google will prefer to avoid any taint sticking to it from the potentially-unsavory activities that robust nym support might enable. And given their rather poor track record, they’ll have some trouble gaining the necessary trust even if they do decide to chase this business, which they won’t.
I specifically referred to people using their own money to buy adult items. Have you had problems doing so? I’m curious as to when your bank blocked what you can spend your money on.
The reason merchant accounts are hard to find for internet adult sites is because there has been historically a high rate of problems associated with those accounts. Adult physical retail establishments with business licenses have not had anywhere near the same issues. Note that strip clubs, dating sites, telemarketing sites, and travel sites all have the same problem. They are high risk… it has nothing to do with some kind of moral judgement. It has to do with statistics and fiscal risk assessment.
I can’t imagine a bank blocking what you are allowed to spend your own money on, and it is from that perspective that you’re talking about this being blocked.
And pseudonyms work fine with Google. It is only on their services that you see the real name. If a site is using them for authentication, they can assign you any name you want. Right now that means knowing your email address… which I note that this blog requires as well.
But treading lightly into the future and the technical side of things, that can easily change, and solutions for double blind identity verification (“Is this a unique person for me?”, “I don’t know who you are, but this is a unique code for their unique account.”, “Okay, they are new here, I’ll give them a name, when they show up with that code, I’ll log them in under that”). That way you don’t even have to have the company know your name or credit card number. They just know a transaction occurred, and they will get money from somebody. That’s also why Google is now citing exactly what rights any new authentication is granting; needs vary, and they are trying to minimize what you have to give.
That makes for high accountability and that makes for greater anonymity. If you work in authentication circles, that’s a very common goal.
Like most technical goals, it’ll be a fair amount of time before it gets here. Years, at least. But these services aren’t needed for you: they are needed as a common foundation for online businesses to work together and make money. Which is a very powerful incentive.
Keep in mind, this is a company who puts together and empowers engineering teams like this: Allowing you to actually delete and download all your primary data is the direct opposite of lock-in and non-opt-out. It is clearly a move to try and build trustworthiness.
But if you reply about Google specifically, you’re only wailing on one among many: there is direct financial incentive to be a trusted identity broker. Google just happens to be one of the leading contenders as of 2013. Again: if not them, somebody else will.
We are looking for the electronic version of the “plain brown wrapper,” which can pass through the stream of commerce– from the merchant of smut to the consumer without embarrassment or usurious fees.
I’ve observed Tumblr accounts deactivated for gore or under-age models. Heeding your FIRST RULE, Bacchus, I downloaded my Tumblr content with the delightful Backup Jammy.
Awesome, Fifi. You’ve got a very nice collection there, it would be a shame if something happened to it next time Tumblr gets the heebies.
Note to Bacchus:
Termites are voracious consumers of porn! You heard me right, and I mean that literally, so I hope you have adequately protected that vintage collection of magazines that you mentioned.
They eat faster than you might think, and bagging it in plastic will not help. They’ll eat through that, to get to the paper, and any wooden or cardboard boxes that you are using for containers as well.
I had such a problem with one of my many areas of stored porn and erotica books, and there was nothing left but termite poop.
They even ate through paper laminated between plastic!!!!
They’ll come up through a tiny crack, in a thick cement floor, under a box, and you’ll never know that they are there, until it’s too late.
They’ll also build tubular dirt tunnels over to, or down to, wherever they wanna go…
I’m looking forward to Bacchus’s Pornocalypse Now erotica emporium, whenever Amazon decides to tempt competitive fate. I get the feeling you wouldn’t sell out, even if you got as big as Amazon or eBay…
This particular collection was packed up for long-term storage during the separation/aftermath of a serious long-term relationship. I was feeling dark, and in consequence I packed all my books and magazines to “survive the apocalypse” as I told a friend at the time. In hindsight, I probably went a little overboard on packaging. The better vintage magazines are all bagged and boarded, and all items are stored inside doubled or tripled trash bags inside RubberMaid “Rough Tote” or “Tough Crate” brand plastic totes. These have been drilled at the rim in six places to allow the snap-on lids to be secured with plastic wire ties, and the holes/ties then sealed with silicone sealer from a calk gun. The totes are in turn stored in a wooden outbuilding in a place where termites are not prevalent, so I’m not too worried about that particular pest. But I couldn’t afford archival-quality bags and boards and of course the trash bags and totes are full of plasticizers that aren’t stable over historic time. So I’m far from sanguine. All I can say is, I did the best I could.
Tell me about it. Tell me about it all. I have my own bitter memories of seeing the Tales of Gnosis College page get crushed in the TVTropes pornocalypse.
It’s enough to make me wish I were really a mad scientist. Then I’d show ’em.
I wish you were too!
Uh, as long as you promise to put “humiliating revenge for all your enemies” (a wretched and sorry lot, IMO) higher on the priority list than your anti-natalism hobby… #FailedHedonist #StillTrying
@Bacchus. Oh, don’t worry about that. I have always taken the view that coercion in pursuit of antinatalist projects is unacceptable.
In dealing with the Sex Gendarmerie in its many forms, though, I incline to a less irenic attitude.
[…] weeks ago in The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All, I […]
Re the so-badly-wrong comment upthread that “banks don’t care what you do with your money”:
[…] It’s like I said in The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All: […]
[…] all I got. It’s the only way. It’s also a very good idea, because eventually The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All, and because Anything Worth Doing On The Internet Is Worth Doing At Your Own Domain That You […]
[…] about its future, especially with respect to adult content. And my pessimism is shared by some of the most astute and experienced observers in the adult Internet world. I fear the coming of a day when my tumblr is simply deleted for its violation of some vague […]
Part of that seems to depend on the popularity and marketability of the erotica. Some books and series are popular enough so that they get front page display no matter how bizarre the nature of the truly lousy quality gets.
[…] porn is never welcome for long in corporate walled gardens. The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All. The instant I saw those terms of service, I knew that Glass would never be a porn-friendly device. […]
[…] has written about how the pornocalypse eventually comes to all of us. Basically, companies that offer free services like blogs do not like adult content. They may rely […]
I just read a post over at femdom-resource and thought it would fit with this discussion.
Basically it tries to explain how the mood in a company can gradually move from sex-neutral to anti-sex:
TL;DR: few people will risk their reputation by defending adult material, while opponents have no reason not to be vocal about their claims.
You are a genius. And a Cassandra. And I’m finally going to take yr advice and save my legacy online. dammit!
[…] pornocalypse comes for us all, I tell […]
[…] adult blogger Bacchus calls this the Pornocalypse and he says it comes for us all. It’s come to Ebay, Blogger, Amazon, WordPress, Paypal and Tumblr among many others. […]
[…] for violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines,” which is evidence that the pornocalypse is coming for Tumblr, a large part of the reason why these images are moving over here in the first […]
[…] this thing that seems to be happening, having to do with sex-negativity and a plethora of websites shutting […]
[…] then, are they saying we can’t pursue them via affiliate programs? I tell you, this growing pornocalypse has more to do with the finance sector than anyone, even Google & Yahoo, are willing to […]
[…] and bloggers). MsNaughty goes on to say “Long-time adult blogger Bacchus calls this the Pornocalypse and he says it comes for us all. It’s come to Ebay, Blogger, Amazon, WordPress, Paypal, Kickstarter, the iPhone, Google Glass and […]
[…] Count on it. Plan for it. The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All. […]
[…] Amazon’s handling of erotic eBooks (remember when a story about that first got me up onto my Pornocalypse hobbyhorse?) to the effect that Amazon has joined Barnes & Noble and Apple in removing […]
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[…] Pornocalypse comes for us all, and yesterday it came for […]
[…] his post ranges much more wildly, he covers (and shares) many of the concerns I have hash-tagged #Pornocalypse when discussing corporate discrimination against adult materials, adult businesses, and […]
[…] It’s not a perfect article, but I can’t really complain about any coverage of the #Pornocalypse that opens with my line about it: […]
[…] Users of Google’s Blogger service just received a rather nasty surprise. From March 23rd they’re going to eliminate all adult blogs. If you purely have text content you might escape the purge, but almost all blogs I know and enjoy feature the occasional photograph or video clip (hmp, servitor, Victoria Vista, RedRump, etc.). That puts them directly in Google’s firing line. As Bacchus has written in the past the pornocalypse comes for us all. […]
[…] Google’s and Amazon’s new policy where they’re filtering out things deemed “adult-content” under the rather lame […]
[…] Count on it. Plan for it. The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All. […]
[…] I first started talking about #pornocalypse, I had a very specific observation to share about the corporate/financial life cycle of internet […]
[…] recount the many, many, many, many, many times this has happened, but Eros Bacchus does it so much better. That was dated 2013. In the last 2 years more social media companies have run their version of a […]
[…] author Selena Kitt is the one who first brought the term #Pornocalypse to my attention, back in 2013. Then and now, her beat is Amazon’s bizarre blunderings in the realm of trying to pretend for […]
[…] course it had to end in tears. The #pornocalypse comes for us all. I’m not in a position to talk about the details because I was never on the platform. But […]
[…] it’s official: Twitter is no longer an adult-friendly or porn-friendly platform. The pornocalypse comes for us all, and in 2019 it came for Twitter. A series of incremental rule shifts mean that Twitter now […]
[…] am somewhat notorious for doom-and-glooming that the pornocalypse comes for us all. The aphorism is shorthand for my observation that companies and social media platforms evolve […]
[…] in tech that, if your system doesn’t have porn on it, your system is broken. In my 2013 The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All post, I quoted some 2008 words by Ethan Zuckerman that he attributed to his late-1990s experiences […]
[…] also had an offensively-vague content policy for publishers, at a time when the pornocalypse had already been on my radar for a few years. Mikandi had a payment processor who wouldn’t process rape content, is my […]
[…] always, inevitably, the shit would change, and we stinky pornsters would get booted. No exceptions: the pornocalypse comes for us all. I called it in 2013! “Ask not for whom the pornocalypse bell tolls: it tolls for […]
[…] Count on it. Plan for it. The Pornocalypse Comes For Us All. […]
[…] can toss you and all your hard work off of it on a whim. For those that don’t know about this pornocalypse ( NSFW link), it’s where sites like Tumblr — who have hosted adult content for years — […]
[…] I coined my now-infamous maxim that the pornocalypse comes for us all, it was a decade ago, and if prompted-AI generative art was a thing in some deep research lab, I […]
[…] Whenever we lose another adult-tolerant platform you’ll see people all over social media asking “What’s a good alternative?” There’s never a “good news” answer to that question. The squeeze on commercial erotic expression continues. Until we find a way to break the moralistic chokehold of the credit card companies, it’s not going to get better. The pornocalypse comes for us all. […]
It keeps getting worse… what can we do about it? I don’t want to see a future where all erotic expression is stamped out.
[…] have argued that the pornocalypse began with Meg Whitman’s eBay, back in the last […]
[…] post was prophetic. And it’s amazing how fucking much of a dumbass Gary sounds in the comments. It was clear he was wrong at the time. But now it’s even clearer he was one of the most […]