The Sex Blog Of Record
Monday, October 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus
If you are highly online, you may from time to time have seen this oft-reposted photograph from a 2018 furry convention. Internet smartguys have tried to make a bit of a homophobic and kink-shaming meme of it, the evident “idea” being that there’s something risible about providing HIV testing to convention attendees:
This article by Soatak has more info if you were blessedly unaware, but much more to the point, it robustly defends the notion of HIV and other STD testing at conventions in general:
If you’re organizing any type of public event–be it a gaming, anime, steampunk, cyberpunk, or comic book convention, music concert, medieval or renaissance festival, and so on–you should consider doing what Midwest FurFest does.
This is obvious to most queer people, but might be counter-intuitive at first. So let me explain.
Any large gathering of people is likely to lead to adults hooking up. This is a fact of life, especially when alcohol is involved.
Having a convenient way to know your status onsite is a great way to allow consenting adults to make informed decisions about their sexual health, especially if they’re not generally promiscuous and aren’t in the habit of getting tested regularly.
Let me emphasize: the most sexually promiscuous adults are generally already in the habit of getting regularly tested, so the onsite STI testing doesn’t actually do much for them.
This only helps people who don’t regularly visit their health department or planned parenthood to know their status.
Therefore, free onsite STI testing is a damn good idea to protect the health of your community.
Even if you hold some weird disdain for the habitually sexually promiscuous (“sluts”), this service primarily benefits everyone else, since any ethical slut already knows their goddamn status as well as the status of anyone they’re fucking that night.
Any event that can afford to offer Free STI testing and doesn’t probably doesn’t care about adults making informed decisions about their sexual health.
Furry conventions are for furries, which are overwhelmingly LGBTQIA+ compared to the rest of the population. That one of our conventions can afford to take steps to protect the sexual health of its adult attendees is a damn good idea, even if it was limited to HIV at first.
Everyone should consider stealing this idea from us.
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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 -- by Bacchus
Way back in 2010 I posted this photo of a leashed and collared clubgirl wearing big-cat faux-fur animal prints at the 1966 opening night of the Cheetah Club in NYC. I’m delighted to have stumbled over two more photos of the same eye-catching lady, even if her leash is sadly less prominent in them:
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Friday, April 19th, 2024 -- by Bacchus
The headline for this story should read “Bullies throw food at students who wore animal-ear headbands” but instead it’s “No evidence of ‘furries’ in Nebo School District despite allegations, social media firestorm”. I’ve seen a lot of moral panics in my life, but the entire right wing freaking out about teen furries (while not knowing what a furry even is, apparently) has got to be just about the most bizarre moral panic imaginable. Doesn’t it have to be? Please tell me it does!
So here’s the actual story, as reported by local news:
PAYSON, UT — Allegations of students at Mt. Nebo Junior High School dressing up like animals and biting, barking and pouncing on fellow students created a social media firestorm on Wednesday.
As it turns out, these allegations were “completely unfounded,” said Seth Sorensen, spokesman for the Nebo School District.
Last week, “students were not treating each other respectfully and things were occurring that they just did not feel were appropriate and conducive to education,” Sorenson said.
A small group of students at the school were wearing headbands with animal ears, which led other students to throw food at them. Kelsey James, spokeswoman for the Utah State Board of Education, said that incident prompted the school to send a letter to students’ families.
The letter, which was obtained by KSL.com on Thursday, reminded students of the district’s dress code, which says “jewelry, accessories, tattoos, hair, facial hair and other elements of a student’s appearance that draw undue attention, distract, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with the learning atmosphere at school or at school activities and events, or that create a health, safety, or welfare issue are prohibited.”
After the administration had conversations with the students wearing the headbands — noting that they were a “little bit of a disruption” — the students stopped wearing them, Sorenson said.
The letter also addressed the food throwing targeted at the headband-wearing students, saying that a “written, verbal or a physical act that creates a hostile, threatening, humiliating, or abusive environment is not permitted.”
He added that the school hasn’t had any incidents of students wearing masks or animal costumes, nor have any students engaged in biting, licking or any other forms of animal-like behavior.
Still, the unfounded allegations of “furries” (people who dress and sometimes act like animals) spread like wildfire across social media, most prominently in conservative circles.
In a post Thursday on the social platform X, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said students “who behave like animals and bite classmates should be expelled” and administrators “who defend such behavior should be fired.”
“There’s really been no evidence that any of those behaviors ever occurred. The administration has had no reports from students that that happened,” Sorenson said. “There’s been a lot of things pushed out on social media that are inaccurate and a lot of information that is not factual and is based on hearsay and rumors.”
State lawmaker and Utah gubernatorial candidate Phil Lyman also chimed in on X, saying, “We The People, not the animals. Each of these children have more courage, conviction, and fortitude than all of our ‘Republicans leaders’ (RINOS) put together.”
Both Lee and Lyman retweeted a post from Libs of TikTok, which the Washington Post says has amassed an audience of millions on X, largely by targeting LGBTQ+ people. In the video, a group of students speaking over each other complain that some students at the school wear masks and pounce on people.
As for me, I’m just glad to hear that even Utah, there are some cool kids who wear cat-ear headbands and aren’t afraid to pounce on people they like. (We don’t actually know who it was that got pounced, but I’ve been around the block a few times and have myself been pounced. Pouncing in young humans is a love language.)
Image credit: The young people wearing animal ears at the top of the post are a cropped detail from this image by Blade Ride.
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Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 -- by Bacchus
I’m sure this post is going to get me in trouble with people of fuzz. Is it even fair to call some dude (?) in a baggy zip-up bear suit a furry, when some of those people put hundreds of hours or thousands of dollars worth of craft labor into their elaborate fursuits? Is it even fur, when it’s plush? Is there a whole other “plushy” community? Do plushies and furries fight, or are they best friends? Is that costume even supposed to represent a bear? Maybe it’s a dog, which would make this a visual “doggy-style” pun? There’s so much I do not know!
The only thing I do know, maybe, if I can trust the metadata in the filename, is that the photo is by Matthew Cooke. I’d love to know who the big-mouthed blonde is. She’s into it, or pretending very well!
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Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 -- by Bacchus
Furries, as we know, were not exactly invented yesterday. Here we see a man who dressed up in fuzzy finery for a group photo with his two favorite sheep. I couldn’t make this up!
Via Kinky Delight.
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Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 -- by Bacchus
Predatory furries, you have to watch out for them:
From a vintage (I think) postcard you can see uncropped if you click the photo. (Always click the photo!)
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Friday, March 16th, 2012 -- by Bacchus
Item: multi-centi-millionaire. Item: horse-crazed wife with a love of horsey rituals and gear (dressage). Item: “unemployed” by his own characterization, so plenty of time to play. Item: Lots of real estate, so plenty of private space to play in. Item: pony-boy gear in possession.
Wait, what?
It’s true. According to the Washington Post:
Her son Josh told another New York Times reporter in 2007 that he had given his dad a rubber horse mask so that if he wore it, “maybe Mom will pay as much attention to you as she does to the horses.”
Maybe she would!
And now you’ll never be able to look at him on TV again without imagining him staggering along a forest track somewhere wearing a saddle, his wife in full dressage kit, a horse mask, and about thirty riding crop welts. And nothing else. Well, nothing else except for the sweat. And I imagine he’d maybe have him some fancy $10,000 custom-cobbled hoofy boots from some toney bespoke fetish cobbler in London.
Motive, means, opportunity. The Romneys, they has them all.
When asked about this story a representative of Dogs Against Romney said “If it’s true, I hope he suffers as much as poor terrified Shamus did. But I doubt it — because Ann Romney at least has a horse trailer, so her pets don’t have to ride on the roof.”
(I totally just made that quote entirely up.)
Thanks ever so much to Femdom Resource for spotting this. Rather less thanks, I think, for the resulting mental imagery…
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Saturday, August 14th, 2010 -- by Dr. Faustus
It’s for real, from a 1938 Merrie Melodies cartoon called Katnip Kollege, and if it isn’t an example in getting crap past the radar, then I shall eat my copy of Chuck Jones’s memoirs. If you don’t believe me, try to imagine two human actors in the posture and position of these two funny-animal cats (named “Johnny Cat” and “Kitty Bright,”) and think about what would be involved. Then think about the fact that pretty much every frame of this animation had to be painstakingly drawn by someone, right down to Johnny Cat’s wandering hands. To be sure, the studio execs and the viewing audiences in 1938 might not have been as quick on the uptake: the audiences in particular would not have been able to parse the animation frame-by-frame with software, and certainly no one in 1938 would have had Omaha the Cat Dancer to educate them about certain…possibilities inherent in funny animal characters.
Still, more evidence that our dirty minds have always been working…
Friday, July 9th, 2010 -- by Bacchus
The woman-as-bull shown above is Mae Murray in a promotional photo from a 1921 movie called Peacock Alley.
Also, proof that furries have been with us always.
Via Kinky Delight.
Thursday, May 20th, 2010 -- by Bacchus
Here’s a young man who is going to have catgirl fingernail scratches on his back before the next day dawns:
Via Bondage Blog.
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Friday, November 20th, 2009 -- by Bacchus
A couple of weeks ago I kvetched mildly about the limited “furry” support in the 3D SexVilla software I’ve been playing with, saying:
Right now there appears to be only two outfits (the tiger for male avatars, the bunny for female) and the hoods are closed-face, so using any oral-contact poses causes the software to remove the hoods. And, personally, I find that the expressive faces of the normal hoodless models go along way toward making the simulation seem lifelike; the unmoving furry-faces, for me, detract from the illusion.
Now, mind you, I’m aware that this is a little bit like complaining that the dancing bear isn’t much of a square dancer and couldn’t do-si-do his way out of a wet paper bag.
Doesn’t matter. This is the 21st century, my software toys are supposed to do what I tell them to. Fortunately, that’s generally just a matter of waiting for the next update. And so it proved in this case. Guess what? Now with Bunny ears!
This time around, it’s not “You’re the girl, so you have to be the bunny” either. Guys can wear the ears too, and will if properly cajoled:
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Saturday, November 7th, 2009 -- by Bacchus
Here’s something you don’t see every day, courtesy of the “Furry Fandom” sex pack in 3D SexVilla. Furries going at it!
Sadly for our furrier friends, the furry functionality of the 3D SexVilla software is somewhat limited. Right now there appears to be only two outfits (the tiger for male avatars, the bunny for female) and the hoods are closed-face, so using any oral-contact poses causes the software to remove the hoods. And, personally, I find that the expressive faces of the normal hoodless models go along way toward making the simulation seem lifelike; the unmoving furry-faces, for me, detract from the illusion. But perhaps a furry-fetishist might see it differently.
Furry things I think the software would need to be really furry: more animal types, an assortment of tails, half-face furry masks, furry leggings and boots, furry gloves/paws..
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Sunday, September 20th, 2009 -- by Bacchus
This is from the not-very-secret pop-up easter egg tooltip text associated with a recent xkcd comic:
There’s Livejournal drama between those who want to wear human suits over fursuits and those who just take off the fursuits.
What’s notable about this asserted fact is that:
1) I believe it, absolutely, despite having made zero effort to Google it or confirm it in any other way;
2) The fact of my belief says something profound and interesting about the way we process information and establish our trust heuristics in the internet “information overload” era.
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